The faculty Toegepaste Ingenieurswetenschappen van de Universiteit Antwerpen (Applied Engineering Sciences of the Antwerp University) moved to its new location on Campus Groenenborger. Lifthing was requested to guide and execute the industrial move of Antwerp University. Lifthing was happy to take care of this technical moving project.
What was involved with the move??
We first disassembled and transported all machines. At the new campus we correctly assembled and installed them again. There were a great many different machines that we moved in this project. There were turning, bending and pulling benches, just to name a few, together with all kinds of technical laboratory instruments.
Do you still have questions about the industrial move of Antwerp University?
Make sure to contact the team of Lifthing. We are happy to answer all questions about this project and about our core business. That certainly includes, together with machine transport.

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SECTOR: Government
REGION: Belgium, Antwerp
WEIGHT: Maximum 5 ton