Installation of proton therapy machines

In the proton centre at the University Hospital in Leuven, we were engaged to install new, high-tech proton therapy devices. This installation included preparatory welding, hoisting in all components, aligning and mounting them. This was done in a tight space, with a high degree of precision and care.

A fairly complex operation with a 500T gantry crane

The new centre is located in the heart of the hospital. There was therefore not much room for manoeuvre to get the 75-tonne gantry crane and the two cyclotrons or particle accelerators weighing 57 tonnes each into place. Due to the limited space, we used our 500-tonne lifting gantry crane instead of a telescopic crane.

More information about this project is available in our blog:
Press release: Lifthing places and installs cyclotrons at UZ Leuven

Installing medical equipment with Lifthing?

Lifthing has built up a lot of experience and expertise in the installation of delicate medical equipment.

With this project, Lifthing demonstrates that it offers a complete package:
industrial relocations, machine transport, assembly and manipulation, machine moving and transport by loading crane.

Click on the images for a larger view

sectorSECTOR: Medical sector
regioREGION: Belgium, Leuven
gewichtWEIGHT: 75 ton
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2018

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